Automotive Solutions
Empower your customers with the ability to quickly find parts that fit their car or motorbike on your website.
Save your customer’s vehicle or motorcycle details for easy recall when they return.
Implement automotive fitment for the eBay marketplace using our product tagging solution.
Our data and image structuring allows your products to be found faster and sold more often.
Website Parts Fitment
Around $16 billion of automotive parts and accessories are sold in USA every year. If you have car or motorbike parts for sale, you are in a good industry.
The average person won’t know which specific part will fit their car or motorcycle, so you need to make it easy for them to find the right parts.
Tagging parts and accessories to the compatible models can be a painfully onerous task, but it’s critical to your online success. Pre-tagged data is available for some branded aftermarket parts and accessories, but you’ll need to do the tagging yourself if you sell genuine make parts and accessories or unbranded aftermarket products.
This is what we do.

The best way to help your webstore customers find the parts that fit their vehicle or motorbike is with a part finder. Our website fitment tagging solution allows you to quickly tag multiple models for easy import into Maropost Commerce Cloud or other compatible ecommerce platforms to power your part finder and make your customers shopping journey easy.

eBay Parts Fitment

Around $4 billion of automotive parts and accessories are sold on eBay in USA every year, and most of those are bought by customers who have recorded their vehicle or motorbike in the eBay Garage.
If you have car or bike parts for sale, you need to be selling on eBay, and your parts and accessories all need to be correctly tagged for fitment using eBay’s exclusive compatibility ePIDs. eBay has a pre-tagged catalogue of popular branded aftermarket parts & accessories for which you’ll only need the barcode. But if you’re selling genuine make products or aftermarket parts & accessories that are not already in that catalogue, you’ll have to tag them yourself.
This is what we do.

Our easy-to-use fitment tagging solution allows you to quickly tag multiple models for easy import into Maropost Commerce Cloud or other compatible platforms which publish compatibility fitment to eBay. This way, you only need to do the product tagging once, and the fitment relationships remain yours forever.

…or we can do it for you
ZELLIS Merchant Services is your extended workforce, but with specific skills and experience doing the things you know you need to do, but don’t have time for.
We have loads of experience in automotive parts fitment. SKU data creation and optimisation plus image editing for ecommerce.
This is what we do.